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Premium Service

Upgrade your Bitcoin lifestyle with our premium services - Say goodbye to fiat currencies. Our Concierge Service gets you anything you desire - worldwide, from online subscriptions to cars and beyond. And if you're a frequent traveler, our Travel Agency will organize your next adventure - whether it's for personal or business purposes.  With our expert assistance, if you can describe it, we can make it happen. So why settle for less?

Bitcoin Economy

Bitcoin Economy
2 sztuki adaptera wentylacyjnego Antminer S9 od 120 do 140 mm
Adapter wentylacyjny dla Antminer S9 od 120 mm do 140 mm wykonany z ocynkowanej blachy o grubości 1,5 mm.Dostarczany z:2 szt. adapterów wystarczająca ilość aluminiowej taśmy uszczelniającej do uszczelnienia adapterów 8 śrub do montażu adapterów na Antminer S9 8 śrub do montażu dwóch wentylatorów 140 mm na adapterach W zestawie nie znajdują sięwentylatory 140 mm Antminer S9 zasilacz

71,32 €*
Bitcoin Economy
21ENERGY S19 Pro Silent 96 TH
21ENERGY S19 Silent S19 Silent to koparka SHA256 (Bitcoin - BTC) ASIC. 21ENERGY S19 Silent ma 8 wysokowydajnych wentylatorów zamiast zwykłych 4. Dzięki specjalnie opracowanym adapterom wentylacyjnym, w S19 Silent zainstalowanych jest 8 wentylatorów. Daje to S19 znacznie większą wydajność chłodzenia, a wentylatory obracają się znacznie niżej niż w konwencjonalnych S19, dzięki czemu są znacznie cichsze. 21ENERGY S19 Silent jest dostarczany z systemem operacyjnym Braiins OS+, dzięki czemu posiada funkcję automatycznego dostrajania. Dzięki Braiins OS+ zużycie energii można dowolnie regulować w zakresie od 1616 do około 3000 watów. Jednak większość modeli S19 wymaga co najmniej ~1700 watów do stabilnej pracy, a zatem nieco więcej niż minimalne ustawienie 1616 watów.

3 664,16 €*
Bitcoin Economy
21ENERGY S9 Silent 14 TH
Zestaw 21ENERGY S9 Silent 13.5 TH obejmuje: używany i zregenerowany zasilacz Bitmain Antminer S9 z 13,5 lub 14,0 TH używany i sprawny zasilacz Bitmain APW3++ 2 wysokowydajne wentylatory Noctua 140 mm - NF-A14 iPPC-3000 PWM zamiast oryginalnych wentylatorów 120 mm 2 szt. adapterów wentylatorów ze 120 na 140 mm wykonanych z 1,5 mm galwanizowanej blachy stalowej Aluminiowa taśma uszczelniająca dla absolutnie szczelnego adaptera wentylacyjnego 1 wyjątkowo cichy wentylator Noctua 60 mm - NF-A6x25 PWM jest zainstalowany w zasilaczu i zastępuje znacznie głośniejszy oryginalny wentylator zasilacza dodatkowo w zasilaczu wbudowany jest adapter kabla wentylatora z 2 do 3 pinów Bitmain Antminer S9 jest wyposażony w najnowszy system operacyjny Braiins OS+ z funkcją autotuningu i powertargetu może pracować z mocą od 380 do 1500 watów może pracować z jeszcze mniejszą mocą, gdy hashboardy są odłączone z jednym aktywnym hashboardem o mocy ok. 130 W z dwoma aktywnymi hashboardami o mocy ok. 260 W przy 700 do 800 watów wydajność do 75 J/TH Instrukcja obsługi Bitmain Antminer Zestaw jest dostarczany w pełni zmontowany Górnik zostanie sprawdzony pod kątem funkcjonalności, wyczyszczony* i dobrze zabezpieczony przed wysyłką. Wysyłka po otrzymaniu płatności w ciągu 2-3 dni roboczych. *Górnik jest czyszczony za pomocą dyszy ciśnieniowej, aby usunąć kurz z żeber chłodzących. W żeberkach chłodzących może nadal znajdować się bardzo mały pył, a górnicy mogą być lekko zakurzeni na zewnątrz. Po czyszczeniu sprężonym powietrzem koparka jest ponownie montowana i testowana.

422,75 €*
BitBox02 Hardware Wallet – Bitcoin Only Edition
Protect your Bitcoin with the latest Swiss-made hardware wallet from Shift Crypto.BitBox02 Bitcoin Only Edition supports only Bitcoin (BTC). For other Coins/Token please select the Multi Edition!Safe setup within 5 minutes, with Backup on included MicroSD card.Highest Security through “Secure Chip” and transparent open-source software.Sealed by the vendor in tamper-evident plastic bag.Contains:BitBox02 Bitcoin Only Hardware WalletMicroSD CardUSB-C to USB-A AdapterUSB-C extension cordStickers for labelling backupsDeveloped and produced in Switzerland.

153,44 €*
BitBox02 Hardware Wallet – Multi Edition
Protect your digital assets with the latest Swiss-made hardware wallet from Shift Crypto.BitBox02 Multi Edition supports Bitcoin (BTC), Litecoin (LTC), Ethereum (ETH) und ERC-20 Token.Safe setup within 5 minutes, with Backup on included MicroSD card.Highest Security through “Secure Chip” and transparent open-source software.For Bitcoin maximalists also available as Bitcoin-Only Edition!BitBox02 can also be used for 2FA authentication (FIDO compliant U2F) for accounts like Google, Facebook, Dropbx, GitHub etc.Sealed by the vendor in tamper-evident plastic bag.Contains:BitBox02 Multi Hardware WalletMicroSD CardUSB-C to USB-A AdapterUSB-C extension cordStickers for labelling backupsDeveloped and produced in Switzerland.

153,44 €*
Bitcoin Economy
Bitcoin Cookie Cutter 3 Pieces Set
Bitcoin Cookie Cutters are the perfect (christmas) gift!We always try a lot of explaining, but why not just let them eat Bitcoin?With our Bitcoin cookie cutters, you can easily bake perfect Bitcoin cookies! Whether it's christmas or just cold outside; Warm your tummy with these awesome Bitcoin Cookies!There are 3 different cookie cutters in our set:    1x The Classic Bitcoin cookie cutter, about 8cm long is suitable for the classic thin dough.    1x The Bitcoin Lightning Coin: about 6cm long and perfect for slightly thicker dough.    1x The Bitcoin Lightning Min(t)er: also about 6cm long and suitable for really thiccccccck cookies.As always, SatoshiGoods by ShopinBit stands for high quality products. Made out of food-safe PETG these cookie cutters are the perfect addition to your christmas traditions!

18,59 €* 20,66 €* (oszczędność 10.02%)
Bitcoin Economy
Bitcoin Heater S9x3
Innowacyjne połączenie ogrzewania konwekcyjnego i promiennikowego: górna część jest przyjemnie ciepła i zapewnia promieniujące ciepło. Jednocześnie ciepłe powietrze wypływa na zewnątrz. Nowoczesny design w kształcie ośmiokąta (8 rogów) wykonany z wysokiej jakości stali, lakierowany na czarny mat (może być używany jako stolik stojący lub stolik boczny). Wysokość 102 cm, średnica pokrywy 62 cm lub obudowy 55 cm, waga 53 / 59 / 65 kg (w zależności od wersji).Wysokiej jakości i trwała konstrukcja. BTC Heater jest dostępny w 3 wersjach: S9x2: Dwie koparki S9, ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 1000 W i mocą wydobywczą 10-12 TH/s. S9x3: Trzy górniki S9, ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 1500 W i mocą wydobywczą 15-18 TH/s. S9x4: Cztery S9 Miners, ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 2000 W i mocą wydobywczą 20-24 TH/s. Cicha praca (poniżej 40 dB) Oszczędność do 9 ton CO2 rocznie Potencjał oszczędności może być bardzo wysoki i zależy od Twoich cen energii. Oblicz swoje osobiste oszczędności kosztów ogrzewania za pomocą kalkulatora opłacalności. Zgodność z normami CE Grzejnik Bitcoin Heater S9x jest dostępny w 3 wersjach: Bitcoin Heater S9x2 z 2 Bitmain Antminers S9 Ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 1000 W Moc wydobywcza 10-12 TH/s Bitcoin Heater S9x3 z 3 Bitmain Antminer S9 Ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 1 500 W Wydajność wydobywcza 15-18 TH/s Bitcoin Heater S9x4 z 4 modułami Bitmain Antminer S9 Ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 2000 W Wydajność wydobywcza 20-24 TH/s Cicha praca (poniżej 40 dB) Przy ustawieniach fabrycznych 500 W mocy grzewczej na zainstalowany Bitmain Antminer S9, 21ENERGY Bitcoin Heater jest bardzo cichy i generuje mniej niż 40 dB. Zainstalowany Bitmain Antminer S9 może być również obsługiwany z wyższą mocą, ale zwiększy to poziom hałasu. Wentylator Bitmain Antminer S9 pierwotnie miał zainstalowane 120-milimetrowe wentylatory. Wymieniliśmy je na najlepsze wysokowydajne 140-milimetrowe wentylatory dostępne na rynku - Noctua NF-A14 industrialPPC-3000 PWM https://noctua.at/de/nf-a14-industrialppc-3000-pwm. Filtr powietrza i przeciwpyłowy Filtry powietrza, kurzu i akustyczne są zainstalowane na dwóch poziomach w nagrzewnicy Bitcoin. Filtr przeciwpyłowy na spodzie jest łatwo dostępny po złożeniu Bitcoin Heater i w razie potrzeby można go wyjąć. Filtry te doskonale chronią Bitmain Antminer S9 przed kurzem. Wysoki potencjał oszczędności kosztów ogrzewania Potencjał oszczędności zależy od następujących dwóch zmiennych: Twoje koszty energii Oblicz swoje potencjalne oszczędności kosztów ogrzewania za pomocą kalkulatora opłacalności na stronie https://21energy.io/rentabilitaetsrechner/. Opłacalność wydobywania Bitcoinów Tutaj znajdziesz stronę z historią rentowności wydobycia bitcoinów w ostatnich latach https://bitinfocharts.com/de/comparison/bitcoin-mining_profitability.html#3y. Studium przypadku: Wyposażyliśmy pewną firmę w nasze nagrzewnice Bitcoin. Gospodarstwo płaci 0,265 € za kWh gazu, ale tylko 0,105 € za kWh energii wodnej. Dzięki częściowemu przejściu z gazu na energię elektryczną, firma ta była w stanie obniżyć koszty ogrzewania o połowę i zaoszczędzić przy tym dziesiątki ton CO2. Więcej przykładów znajdziesz w naszym kalkulatorze opłacalności. Innowacyjne połączenie ogrzewania konwekcyjnego i radiacyjnego Górna część jest przyjemnie ciepła i zapewnia promieniowanie cieplne. Jednocześnie ciepłe powietrze wypływa na zewnątrz. Nowoczesna konstrukcja Grzejnik ma kształt ośmiokąta (8 rogów) wykonanego z ocynkowanej blachy, pomalowanej na czarny mat (może być doskonale używany jako stolik stojący lub stolik boczny). Wysoka jakość i trwała konstrukcja Ocynkowana blacha została zaprojektowana z myślą o bardzo długotrwałym użytkowaniu. Dzięki galwanizacji blacha jest doskonale zabezpieczona przed korozją. Wymiary i waga Wysokość 102 cm Średnica pokrywy 62 cm lub obudowy 55 cm Waga 53 / 59 / 65 kg (w zależności od wersji). Uruchomienie Plug & Play Bitcoin Heater S9x jest przyjazny dla użytkownika i łatwy w obsłudze. Podczas pierwszego uruchomienia musisz raz wprowadzić hasło WLAN, aby połączyć Bitcoin Heater z Internetem. Wbudowany repeater WLAN poprawia również lokalną sieć WLAN. Braiins Mining Pool Bitcoin Heater jest dostarczany z kontem Braiins Mining Pool. Wbudowany Bitcoin Bitmain Antminer S9 jest już wstępnie skonfigurowany. Za pomocą dostarczonej nazwy użytkownika i hasła możesz zalogować się bezpośrednio na stronie https://pool.braiins.com/login/ lub pobrać aplikację BraiinsPool na Androida lub iOS i zobaczyć, ile Bitcoinów wydobył już Bitcoin Heater. Na koncie Braiins Mining Pool możesz po prostu dokonywać wypłat na wybrany adres Bitcoin. W przyszłości możliwe będzie automatyczne wypłacanie wydobytych Bitcoinów w euro na twoje konto bankowe raz w miesiącu. Oczywiście możesz również zdeponować własne konto puli wydobywczej - nikt nie jest zobowiązany do korzystania z predefiniowanego konta Braiins. Ścieżka aktualizacji 21ENERGY Bitcoin Heater został zaprojektowany w taki sposób, że prawie wszystkie obecne przyszłe koparki Bitcoin mogą być zainstalowane w metalowej obudowie. Tak więc za kilka lat możesz zamówić zestaw adaptera np. z Bitmain Antminer S19 w naszym sklepie internetowym i zmodernizować swój grzejnik. Oszczędność do 9 ton CO2 rocznie w porównaniu do systemów grzewczych opartych na innych źródłach energii, takich jak olej opałowy i gaz - w zależności od mieszanki energii elektrycznej używanej do zasilania 21ENERGY Bitcoin Heater. Zgodność z normami CE Produkt jest zgodny z normą CE i zatwierdzony dla całej UE. Urządzenie jest wielokrotnie uziemione i zostało zaprojektowane z myślą o najwyższym bezpieczeństwie. Wbudowane filtry powietrza i akustyczne mają klasę ochrony przeciwpożarowej B1 (ognioodporne), a obciążenie ogniowe zostało zredukowane do absolutnego minimum (plastikowe grzejniki mają znacznie większe obciążenie ogniowe). Wyprodukowano w Austrii 21ENERGY Bitcoin Heater S9x został zaprojektowany w Austrii. Wysokiej jakości czarna, matowa obudowa grzałki Bitcoin Heater jest produkowana w Tyrolu. Wszystkie poszczególne części są montowane w Tyrolu. Niektóre pojedyncze części, takie jak Bitmain Antminer S9, repeater WLAN i inne małe części są kupowane na zewnątrz i nie zostały wyprodukowane w Austrii.

2 169,55 €*
Bitcoin Economy
Bitcoin Heater S9x4
Innowacyjne połączenie ogrzewania konwekcyjnego i promiennikowego: Górna część jest przyjemnie ciepła i zapewnia promieniowanie cieplne. Jednocześnie ciepłe powietrze wypływa na zewnątrz. Nowoczesny design w kształcie ośmiokąta (8 rogów) wykonany z wysokiej jakości stali, lakierowany na czarny mat (może być używany jako stolik stojący lub stolik boczny). Wysokość 102 cm, średnica pokrywy 62 cm lub obudowy 55 cm, waga 53 / 59 / 65 kg (w zależności od wersji).Wysokiej jakości i trwała konstrukcja. BTC Heater jest dostępny w 3 wersjach: S9x2: Dwie koparki S9, ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 1000 W i mocą wydobywczą 10-12 TH/s. S9x3: Trzy górniki S9, ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 1500 W i mocą wydobywczą 15-18 TH/s. S9x4: Cztery S9 Miners, ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 2000 W i mocą wydobywczą 20-24 TH/s. Cicha praca (poniżej 40 dB) Oszczędność do 9 ton CO2 rocznie Potencjał oszczędności może być bardzo wysoki i zależy od Twoich cen energii. Oblicz swoje osobiste oszczędności kosztów ogrzewania za pomocą kalkulatora opłacalności. Zgodność z normami CE Grzejnik Bitcoin Heater S9x jest dostępny w 3 wersjach: Bitcoin Heater S9x2 z 2 Bitmain Antminers S9 Ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 1000 W Moc wydobywcza 10-12 TH/s Bitcoin Heater S9x3 z 3 Bitmain Antminer S9 Ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 1 500 W Wydajność wydobywcza 15-18 TH/s Bitcoin Heater S9x4 z 4 modułami Bitmain Antminer S9 Ustawienie fabryczne z mocą grzewczą 2000 W Wydajność wydobywcza 20-24 TH/s Cicha praca (poniżej 40 dB) Przy ustawieniach fabrycznych 500 W mocy grzewczej na zainstalowany Bitmain Antminer S9, 21ENERGY Bitcoin Heater jest bardzo cichy i generuje mniej niż 40 dB. Zainstalowany Bitmain Antminer S9 może być również obsługiwany z wyższą mocą, ale zwiększy to poziom hałasu. Wentylator Bitmain Antminer S9 pierwotnie miał zainstalowane 120-milimetrowe wentylatory. Wymieniliśmy je na najlepsze wysokowydajne 140-milimetrowe wentylatory dostępne na rynku - Noctua NF-A14 industrialPPC-3000 PWM https://noctua.at/de/nf-a14-industrialppc-3000-pwm. Filtr powietrza i przeciwpyłowy Filtry powietrza, kurzu i akustyczne są zainstalowane na dwóch poziomach w nagrzewnicy Bitcoin. Filtr przeciwpyłowy na spodzie jest łatwo dostępny po złożeniu Bitcoin Heater i w razie potrzeby można go wyjąć. Filtry te doskonale chronią Bitmain Antminer S9 przed kurzem. Wysoki potencjał oszczędności kosztów ogrzewania Potencjał oszczędności zależy od następujących dwóch zmiennych: Twoje koszty energii Oblicz swoje potencjalne oszczędności kosztów ogrzewania za pomocą kalkulatora opłacalności na stronie https://21energy.io/rentabilitaetsrechner/. Opłacalność wydobywania Bitcoinów Tutaj znajdziesz stronę z historią rentowności wydobycia bitcoinów w ostatnich latach https://bitinfocharts.com/de/comparison/bitcoin-mining_profitability.html#3y. Studium przypadku: Wyposażyliśmy pewną firmę w nasze nagrzewnice Bitcoin. Gospodarstwo płaci 0,265 € za kWh gazu, ale tylko 0,105 € za kWh energii wodnej. Dzięki częściowemu przejściu z gazu na energię elektryczną, firma ta była w stanie obniżyć koszty ogrzewania o połowę i zaoszczędzić przy tym dziesiątki ton CO2. Więcej przykładów znajdziesz w naszym kalkulatorze opłacalności. Innowacyjne połączenie ogrzewania konwekcyjnego i radiacyjnego Górna część jest przyjemnie ciepła i zapewnia promieniowanie cieplne. Jednocześnie ciepłe powietrze wypływa na zewnątrz. Nowoczesna konstrukcja Grzejnik ma kształt ośmiokąta (8 rogów) wykonanego z ocynkowanej blachy, pomalowanej na czarny mat (może być doskonale używany jako stolik stojący lub stolik boczny). Wysoka jakość i trwała konstrukcja Ocynkowana blacha została zaprojektowana z myślą o bardzo długotrwałym użytkowaniu. Dzięki galwanizacji blacha jest doskonale zabezpieczona przed korozją. Wymiary i waga Wysokość 102 cm Średnica pokrywy 62 cm lub obudowy 55 cm Waga 53 / 59 / 65 kg (w zależności od wersji). Uruchomienie Plug & Play Bitcoin Heater S9x jest przyjazny dla użytkownika i łatwy w obsłudze. Podczas pierwszego uruchomienia musisz raz wprowadzić hasło WLAN, aby połączyć Bitcoin Heater z Internetem. Wbudowany repeater WLAN poprawia również lokalną sieć WLAN. Braiins Mining Pool Bitcoin Heater jest dostarczany z kontem Braiins Mining Pool. Wbudowany Bitcoin Bitmain Antminer S9 jest już wstępnie skonfigurowany. Za pomocą dostarczonej nazwy użytkownika i hasła możesz zalogować się bezpośrednio na stronie https://pool.braiins.com/login/ lub pobrać aplikację BraiinsPool na Androida lub iOS i zobaczyć, ile Bitcoinów wydobył już Bitcoin Heater. Na koncie Braiins Mining Pool możesz po prostu dokonywać wypłat na wybrany adres Bitcoin. W przyszłości możliwe będzie automatyczne wypłacanie wydobytych Bitcoinów w euro na twoje konto bankowe raz w miesiącu. Oczywiście możesz również zdeponować własne konto puli wydobywczej - nikt nie jest zobowiązany do korzystania z predefiniowanego konta Braiins. Ścieżka aktualizacji 21ENERGY Bitcoin Heater został zaprojektowany w taki sposób, że prawie wszystkie obecne przyszłe koparki Bitcoin mogą być zainstalowane w metalowej obudowie. Tak więc za kilka lat możesz zamówić zestaw adaptera np. z Bitmain Antminer S19 w naszym sklepie internetowym i zmodernizować swój grzejnik. Oszczędność do 9 ton CO2 rocznie w porównaniu do systemów grzewczych opartych na innych źródłach energii, takich jak olej opałowy i gaz - w zależności od mieszanki energii elektrycznej używanej do zasilania 21ENERGY Bitcoin Heater. Zgodność z normami CE Produkt jest zgodny z normą CE i zatwierdzony dla całej UE. Urządzenie jest wielokrotnie uziemione i zostało zaprojektowane z myślą o najwyższym bezpieczeństwie. Wbudowane filtry powietrza i akustyczne mają klasę ochrony przeciwpożarowej B1 (ognioodporne), a obciążenie ogniowe zostało zredukowane do absolutnego minimum (plastikowe grzejniki mają znacznie większe obciążenie ogniowe). Wyprodukowano w Austrii 21ENERGY Bitcoin Heater S9x został zaprojektowany w Austrii. Wysokiej jakości czarna, matowa obudowa grzałki Bitcoin Heater jest produkowana w Tyrolu. Wszystkie poszczególne części są montowane w Tyrolu. Niektóre pojedyncze części, takie jak Bitmain Antminer S9, repeater WLAN i inne małe części są kupowane na zewnątrz i nie zostały wyprodukowane w Austrii.

2 676,03 €*
Bitcoin Economy
Bitcoin Shoppingcart Chip
Grocery Shopping but you need Euros to get the cart? Hell No! Use this Bitcoin Shoppingcart Chip to live your life the Bitcoin way - Fiat Free. Made out of 100% solid brass.

9,29 €* 12,39 €* (oszczędność 25.02%)
Bitcoin Economy
Bitcoin: Everything divided by 21 million - Knut Svanholm (Multilanguage)
Language: English
The new book by Author Knut Svanholm takes the Infinity/21 Million Meme to a new level and explores with you the deeper implications of finding true scarcity; Bitcoin.We’re all chained to the unforgiving arrow of time. We’re born, we live, and we get old. At least that’s what we hope will happen. Then we die.None of us humans are millionaires in terms of hours, yet we sacrifice our most valuable and scarce asset just to stay alive in the hamster’s wheel one more day.In pursuit of saving time, Satoshi stumbled upon a discovery of a new, weightless, absolutely scarce element. The showstopper for each and every time thief. Element zero. Bitcoin. Bitcoin’s limited supply cap is the immovable object that enables us all to become an unstoppable force.“Because the truth is, the system is us. Each of our actions in choosing, in turn, changes our world. It is how ideas we once couldn’t see turn into reality. One person at a time.”— From the foreword by Jeff Booth

13,99 €* 19,99 €* (oszczędność 30.02%)

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3MK HardGlass Max Lite Apple iPhone 8/7 white
Supreme scratch resistance. HardGlass Max Lite™ with a strength of 9H makes even sharp items harmless to your phone. High durability, finish and extraordinary protection properties are the result of glass tempering process. The glass is heat treated to over 400 degrees Celsius for many hours. Perfect coverage of curved edges is finally possible with HardGlass Max Lite™. It is a breakthrough among tempered glass protectors, hich focus only on protecting the flat part of the screen. Easy and precise installation. Inviscid-Sil™ buble-free adhesive adheres evenly and helps to push eventual bubbles out. An additional oleophobic coat on the surface of HardGlass Max Lite™ provides perfectly smooth finger glide. It reduces friction to minimum, so that every touch of the screen equals pure joy. What’s more, it reduces grease and all the streaks in order to keep the glass even cleaner. Undisturbed visual effects and original saturation of displayed colors owing to perfectly clear structure of the glass. Each layer is carefully selected, so that the highest color and sharpness quality can be maintained. HardGlass Max™ adjusts perfectly to the original color scheme of the front side of a device. It is available in versatile color variations. Plus, if desired, you can take the opportunity and change the original coloring of the front side. Kit contains: HardGlass Max Lite™ glass Anti-Bubble Card wet cleaning cloth dry cleaning cloth

9,29 €*
3MK 1UP Apple iPhone 12 Pro Max [3 PACK]
Whenever you want... more! Take your smartphone to a higher level of protection Our gamer protective film is for all gamers who are looking for not only the best protection for their smartphone, but also something to turn up the passion and take it to the next level. Whether you’re a fan of Among Us, Call of Duty® or you’re eagerly awaiting Diablo Immortal – screen protector gives you more. Feel the difference. On the screen! Better organoleptic properties thanks to the oleophobic coating It’s not just about phone protection. Let’s face it: that’s not enough to get your attention anymore. That’s why we offer not glass, but a transparent film that is very, very thin – and you can click several times faster and more precisely when compared to other solutions we have tested. Nay! You can click even easier than without the film! And that’s without affecting colours or reducing screen quality. Visually? There is also nothing to complain about. And the improved organoleptic properties and increased finger glide mean playing without jams and cursing under your breath. Speedy and precise on screen? That is our specificity! Improved finger glide and faster touch response Less to worry about. Greater focus. 1UP screen protector is a film that strengthens your smartphone screen so your device can withstand any game! Plus, it’s only 0.23mm thick, so it doesn’t compromise touch sensitivity, and your finger glides across it as if it were tempered glass. Free from dust and greasy stains Resistant to dust and greasy stains? That is one thing. However, anyone who has ever gamed or even texted knows how annoying it is to have fingerprints on the screen. Stains on the display reduce visibility, not to mention visual aesthetics and hygiene. And who hasn’t wiped out screen stains with a sleeve or other item of clothing? Yeah. However, the 1UP screen protector is fingerprint resistant. Even when you are gaming and eating something delicious! Simplicity and reliability When it comes to protective films, we don’t like air bubbles, difficult installation and a relatively short shelf life, which means that a new film is practically useless in just a few weeks… That’s why Screen Protector by 1UP is quick and easy to install and comes with three films in one package – each with a performance level of 20,000 cycles. That’s the best performance and great gaming for 4 months! And then? If you wish, simply replace it. And keep gaming! Screen up to 400% stronger! 1UP is a new 3mk brand and the creator of screen protector, a transparent film that combines everything new smartphone technologies can do. You will enjoy gaming more thanks to the organoleptic properties, but also the increased strength of the screen (up to 400%!) and a few other details that you will appreciate for sure. If you own a phone, if you hardly ever part with it – you should know that you can demand something more from a protective film. And we know something makes a difference! Simple and safe gel installation 1UP screen protector is get installed using a special gel that is safe for your smartphone. This ensures quick and easy installation of the film, which will perfectly protect the screen of your smartphone. It doesn’t affect the colour or brightness of the screen Every detail counts during the most exciting games. We have therefore taken special care to ensure that the film, apart from providing incredible protection, does not in any way affect the projected image. You will win because nothing escapes your attention. 1UP! Safety and something more The 1UP brand is created by professionals for gamers. By combining the best technology from 3mk with new solutions, we’ve created a product that increases speed, increases precision and increases the fun while gaming – no matter if you’re fighting, discovering the game, or winning championships. A protective film? You can choose whatever you like. It can simply protect – from scratches, from dirt, from damage. It can be the same as everyone else’s. It can also give you room to grow, it can highlight your passion, it can make you think this is the best protective film you need! We are also for gamers! We have been keeping an eye on technology for years, and we probably know all about protecting smartphones. But we don’t stop at that, we definitely don’t stop there – and so we created the gaming brand, 1UP, which combines the reliability of our technology with better solutions for gamers. We are also from Poland, we have a cool team and we can be proud of our PZH* (hygiene is crucial for us) and RoHS** (and quality too) certificates. And we hope you appreciate it! 1UP is a new brand, it’s a new product – with our groundbreaking gaming solution. And this while retaining all the advantages we have developed over the years! 1UP screen protector 3x 1UP screen protector 3x CleaningSet Squeegee Installation gel

11,36 €*
3MK 1UP Apple iPhone 12/12 Pro [3 PACK]
Whenever you want... more! Take your smartphone to a higher level of protection Our gamer protective film is for all gamers who are looking for not only the best protection for their smartphone, but also something to turn up the passion and take it to the next level. Whether you’re a fan of Among Us, Call of Duty® or you’re eagerly awaiting Diablo Immortal – screen protector gives you more. Feel the difference. On the screen! Better organoleptic properties thanks to the oleophobic coating It’s not just about phone protection. Let’s face it: that’s not enough to get your attention anymore. That’s why we offer not glass, but a transparent film that is very, very thin – and you can click several times faster and more precisely when compared to other solutions we have tested. Nay! You can click even easier than without the film! And that’s without affecting colours or reducing screen quality. Visually? There is also nothing to complain about. And the improved organoleptic properties and increased finger glide mean playing without jams and cursing under your breath. Speedy and precise on screen? That is our specificity! Improved finger glide and faster touch response Less to worry about. Greater focus. 1UP screen protector is a film that strengthens your smartphone screen so your device can withstand any game! Plus, it’s only 0.23mm thick, so it doesn’t compromise touch sensitivity, and your finger glides across it as if it were tempered glass. Free from dust and greasy stains Resistant to dust and greasy stains? That is one thing. However, anyone who has ever gamed or even texted knows how annoying it is to have fingerprints on the screen. Stains on the display reduce visibility, not to mention visual aesthetics and hygiene. And who hasn’t wiped out screen stains with a sleeve or other item of clothing? Yeah. However, the 1UP screen protector is fingerprint resistant. Even when you are gaming and eating something delicious! Simplicity and reliability When it comes to protective films, we don’t like air bubbles, difficult installation and a relatively short shelf life, which means that a new film is practically useless in just a few weeks… That’s why Screen Protector by 1UP is quick and easy to install and comes with three films in one package – each with a performance level of 20,000 cycles. That’s the best performance and great gaming for 4 months! And then? If you wish, simply replace it. And keep gaming! Screen up to 400% stronger! 1UP is a new 3mk brand and the creator of screen protector, a transparent film that combines everything new smartphone technologies can do. You will enjoy gaming more thanks to the organoleptic properties, but also the increased strength of the screen (up to 400%!) and a few other details that you will appreciate for sure. If you own a phone, if you hardly ever part with it – you should know that you can demand something more from a protective film. And we know something makes a difference! Simple and safe gel installation 1UP screen protector is get installed using a special gel that is safe for your smartphone. This ensures quick and easy installation of the film, which will perfectly protect the screen of your smartphone. It doesn’t affect the colour or brightness of the screen Every detail counts during the most exciting games. We have therefore taken special care to ensure that the film, apart from providing incredible protection, does not in any way affect the projected image. You will win because nothing escapes your attention. 1UP! Safety and something more The 1UP brand is created by professionals for gamers. By combining the best technology from 3mk with new solutions, we’ve created a product that increases speed, increases precision and increases the fun while gaming – no matter if you’re fighting, discovering the game, or winning championships. A protective film? You can choose whatever you like. It can simply protect – from scratches, from dirt, from damage. It can be the same as everyone else’s. It can also give you room to grow, it can highlight your passion, it can make you think this is the best protective film you need! We are also for gamers! We have been keeping an eye on technology for years, and we probably know all about protecting smartphones. But we don’t stop at that, we definitely don’t stop there – and so we created the gaming brand, 1UP, which combines the reliability of our technology with better solutions for gamers. We are also from Poland, we have a cool team and we can be proud of our PZH* (hygiene is crucial for us) and RoHS** (and quality too) certificates. And we hope you appreciate it! 1UP is a new brand, it’s a new product – with our groundbreaking gaming solution. And this while retaining all the advantages we have developed over the years! 1UP screen protector 3x 1UP screen protector 3x CleaningSet Squeegee Installation gel

25,83 €*
3MK 1UP Apple iPhone 14 Plus/14 Pro Max [3 PACK]
Whenever you want... more! Take your smartphone to a higher level of protection Our gamer protective film is for all gamers who are looking for not only the best protection for their smartphone, but also something to turn up the passion and take it to the next level. Whether you’re a fan of Among Us, Call of Duty® or you’re eagerly awaiting Diablo Immortal – screen protector gives you more. Feel the difference. On the screen! Better organoleptic properties thanks to the oleophobic coating It’s not just about phone protection. Let’s face it: that’s not enough to get your attention anymore. That’s why we offer not glass, but a transparent film that is very, very thin – and you can click several times faster and more precisely when compared to other solutions we have tested. Nay! You can click even easier than without the film! And that’s without affecting colours or reducing screen quality. Visually? There is also nothing to complain about. And the improved organoleptic properties and increased finger glide mean playing without jams and cursing under your breath. Speedy and precise on screen? That is our specificity! Improved finger glide and faster touch response Less to worry about. Greater focus. 1UP screen protector is a film that strengthens your smartphone screen so your device can withstand any game! Plus, it’s only 0.23mm thick, so it doesn’t compromise touch sensitivity, and your finger glides across it as if it were tempered glass. Free from dust and greasy stains Resistant to dust and greasy stains? That is one thing. However, anyone who has ever gamed or even texted knows how annoying it is to have fingerprints on the screen. Stains on the display reduce visibility, not to mention visual aesthetics and hygiene. And who hasn’t wiped out screen stains with a sleeve or other item of clothing? Yeah. However, the 1UP screen protector is fingerprint resistant. Even when you are gaming and eating something delicious! Simplicity and reliability When it comes to protective films, we don’t like air bubbles, difficult installation and a relatively short shelf life, which means that a new film is practically useless in just a few weeks… That’s why Screen Protector by 1UP is quick and easy to install and comes with three films in one package – each with a performance level of 20,000 cycles. That’s the best performance and great gaming for 4 months! And then? If you wish, simply replace it. And keep gaming! Screen up to 400% stronger! 1UP is a new 3mk brand and the creator of screen protector, a transparent film that combines everything new smartphone technologies can do. You will enjoy gaming more thanks to the organoleptic properties, but also the increased strength of the screen (up to 400%!) and a few other details that you will appreciate for sure. If you own a phone, if you hardly ever part with it – you should know that you can demand something more from a protective film. And we know something makes a difference! Simple and safe gel installation 1UP screen protector is get installed using a special gel that is safe for your smartphone. This ensures quick and easy installation of the film, which will perfectly protect the screen of your smartphone. It doesn’t affect the colour or brightness of the screen Every detail counts during the most exciting games. We have therefore taken special care to ensure that the film, apart from providing incredible protection, does not in any way affect the projected image. You will win because nothing escapes your attention. 1UP! Safety and something more The 1UP brand is created by professionals for gamers. By combining the best technology from 3mk with new solutions, we’ve created a product that increases speed, increases precision and increases the fun while gaming – no matter if you’re fighting, discovering the game, or winning championships. A protective film? You can choose whatever you like. It can simply protect – from scratches, from dirt, from damage. It can be the same as everyone else’s. It can also give you room to grow, it can highlight your passion, it can make you think this is the best protective film you need! We are also for gamers! We have been keeping an eye on technology for years, and we probably know all about protecting smartphones. But we don’t stop at that, we definitely don’t stop there – and so we created the gaming brand, 1UP, which combines the reliability of our technology with better solutions for gamers. We are also from Poland, we have a cool team and we can be proud of our PZH* (hygiene is crucial for us) and RoHS** (and quality too) certificates. And we hope you appreciate it! 1UP is a new brand, it’s a new product – with our groundbreaking gaming solution. And this while retaining all the advantages we have developed over the years! 1UP screen protector 3x 1UP screen protector 3x CleaningSet Squeegee Installation gel

25,83 €*
3MK 1UP Apple iPhone 15 [3 PACK]
Whenever you want... more! Take your smartphone to a higher level of protection Our gamer protective film is for all gamers who are looking for not only the best protection for their smartphone, but also something to turn up the passion and take it to the next level. Whether you’re a fan of Among Us, Call of Duty® or you’re eagerly awaiting Diablo Immortal – screen protector gives you more. Feel the difference. On the screen! Better organoleptic properties thanks to the oleophobic coating It’s not just about phone protection. Let’s face it: that’s not enough to get your attention anymore. That’s why we offer not glass, but a transparent film that is very, very thin – and you can click several times faster and more precisely when compared to other solutions we have tested. Nay! You can click even easier than without the film! And that’s without affecting colours or reducing screen quality. Visually? There is also nothing to complain about. And the improved organoleptic properties and increased finger glide mean playing without jams and cursing under your breath. Speedy and precise on screen? That is our specificity! Improved finger glide and faster touch response Less to worry about. Greater focus. 1UP screen protector is a film that strengthens your smartphone screen so your device can withstand any game! Plus, it’s only 0.23mm thick, so it doesn’t compromise touch sensitivity, and your finger glides across it as if it were tempered glass. Free from dust and greasy stains Resistant to dust and greasy stains? That is one thing. However, anyone who has ever gamed or even texted knows how annoying it is to have fingerprints on the screen. Stains on the display reduce visibility, not to mention visual aesthetics and hygiene. And who hasn’t wiped out screen stains with a sleeve or other item of clothing? Yeah. However, the 1UP screen protector is fingerprint resistant. Even when you are gaming and eating something delicious! Simplicity and reliability When it comes to protective films, we don’t like air bubbles, difficult installation and a relatively short shelf life, which means that a new film is practically useless in just a few weeks… That’s why Screen Protector by 1UP is quick and easy to install and comes with three films in one package – each with a performance level of 20,000 cycles. That’s the best performance and great gaming for 4 months! And then? If you wish, simply replace it. And keep gaming! Screen up to 400% stronger! 1UP is a new 3mk brand and the creator of screen protector, a transparent film that combines everything new smartphone technologies can do. You will enjoy gaming more thanks to the organoleptic properties, but also the increased strength of the screen (up to 400%!) and a few other details that you will appreciate for sure. If you own a phone, if you hardly ever part with it – you should know that you can demand something more from a protective film. And we know something makes a difference! Simple and safe gel installation 1UP screen protector is get installed using a special gel that is safe for your smartphone. This ensures quick and easy installation of the film, which will perfectly protect the screen of your smartphone. It doesn’t affect the colour or brightness of the screen Every detail counts during the most exciting games. We have therefore taken special care to ensure that the film, apart from providing incredible protection, does not in any way affect the projected image. You will win because nothing escapes your attention. 1UP! Safety and something more The 1UP brand is created by professionals for gamers. By combining the best technology from 3mk with new solutions, we’ve created a product that increases speed, increases precision and increases the fun while gaming – no matter if you’re fighting, discovering the game, or winning championships. A protective film? You can choose whatever you like. It can simply protect – from scratches, from dirt, from damage. It can be the same as everyone else’s. It can also give you room to grow, it can highlight your passion, it can make you think this is the best protective film you need! We are also for gamers! We have been keeping an eye on technology for years, and we probably know all about protecting smartphones. But we don’t stop at that, we definitely don’t stop there – and so we created the gaming brand, 1UP, which combines the reliability of our technology with better solutions for gamers. We are also from Poland, we have a cool team and we can be proud of our PZH* (hygiene is crucial for us) and RoHS** (and quality too) certificates. And we hope you appreciate it! 1UP is a new brand, it’s a new product – with our groundbreaking gaming solution. And this while retaining all the advantages we have developed over the years! 1UP screen protector 3x 1UP screen protector 3x CleaningSet Squeegee Installation gel

25,83 €*
3MK 1UP Apple iPhone 15 Plus [3 PACK]
Whenever you want... more! Take your smartphone to a higher level of protection Our gamer protective film is for all gamers who are looking for not only the best protection for their smartphone, but also something to turn up the passion and take it to the next level. Whether you’re a fan of Among Us, Call of Duty® or you’re eagerly awaiting Diablo Immortal – screen protector gives you more. Feel the difference. On the screen! Better organoleptic properties thanks to the oleophobic coating It’s not just about phone protection. Let’s face it: that’s not enough to get your attention anymore. That’s why we offer not glass, but a transparent film that is very, very thin – and you can click several times faster and more precisely when compared to other solutions we have tested. Nay! You can click even easier than without the film! And that’s without affecting colours or reducing screen quality. Visually? There is also nothing to complain about. And the improved organoleptic properties and increased finger glide mean playing without jams and cursing under your breath. Speedy and precise on screen? That is our specificity! Improved finger glide and faster touch response Less to worry about. Greater focus. 1UP screen protector is a film that strengthens your smartphone screen so your device can withstand any game! Plus, it’s only 0.23mm thick, so it doesn’t compromise touch sensitivity, and your finger glides across it as if it were tempered glass. Free from dust and greasy stains Resistant to dust and greasy stains? That is one thing. However, anyone who has ever gamed or even texted knows how annoying it is to have fingerprints on the screen. Stains on the display reduce visibility, not to mention visual aesthetics and hygiene. And who hasn’t wiped out screen stains with a sleeve or other item of clothing? Yeah. However, the 1UP screen protector is fingerprint resistant. Even when you are gaming and eating something delicious! Simplicity and reliability When it comes to protective films, we don’t like air bubbles, difficult installation and a relatively short shelf life, which means that a new film is practically useless in just a few weeks… That’s why Screen Protector by 1UP is quick and easy to install and comes with three films in one package – each with a performance level of 20,000 cycles. That’s the best performance and great gaming for 4 months! And then? If you wish, simply replace it. And keep gaming! Screen up to 400% stronger! 1UP is a new 3mk brand and the creator of screen protector, a transparent film that combines everything new smartphone technologies can do. You will enjoy gaming more thanks to the organoleptic properties, but also the increased strength of the screen (up to 400%!) and a few other details that you will appreciate for sure. If you own a phone, if you hardly ever part with it – you should know that you can demand something more from a protective film. And we know something makes a difference! Simple and safe gel installation 1UP screen protector is get installed using a special gel that is safe for your smartphone. This ensures quick and easy installation of the film, which will perfectly protect the screen of your smartphone. It doesn’t affect the colour or brightness of the screen Every detail counts during the most exciting games. We have therefore taken special care to ensure that the film, apart from providing incredible protection, does not in any way affect the projected image. You will win because nothing escapes your attention. 1UP! Safety and something more The 1UP brand is created by professionals for gamers. By combining the best technology from 3mk with new solutions, we’ve created a product that increases speed, increases precision and increases the fun while gaming – no matter if you’re fighting, discovering the game, or winning championships. A protective film? You can choose whatever you like. It can simply protect – from scratches, from dirt, from damage. It can be the same as everyone else’s. It can also give you room to grow, it can highlight your passion, it can make you think this is the best protective film you need! We are also for gamers! We have been keeping an eye on technology for years, and we probably know all about protecting smartphones. But we don’t stop at that, we definitely don’t stop there – and so we created the gaming brand, 1UP, which combines the reliability of our technology with better solutions for gamers. We are also from Poland, we have a cool team and we can be proud of our PZH* (hygiene is crucial for us) and RoHS** (and quality too) certificates. And we hope you appreciate it! 1UP is a new brand, it’s a new product – with our groundbreaking gaming solution. And this while retaining all the advantages we have developed over the years! 1UP screen protector 3x 1UP screen protector 3x CleaningSet Squeegee Installation gel

25,83 €*
3MK 1UP Apple iPhone 15 Pro [3 PACK]
Whenever you want... more! Take your smartphone to a higher level of protection Our gamer protective film is for all gamers who are looking for not only the best protection for their smartphone, but also something to turn up the passion and take it to the next level. Whether you’re a fan of Among Us, Call of Duty® or you’re eagerly awaiting Diablo Immortal – screen protector gives you more. Feel the difference. On the screen! Better organoleptic properties thanks to the oleophobic coating It’s not just about phone protection. Let’s face it: that’s not enough to get your attention anymore. That’s why we offer not glass, but a transparent film that is very, very thin – and you can click several times faster and more precisely when compared to other solutions we have tested. Nay! You can click even easier than without the film! And that’s without affecting colours or reducing screen quality. Visually? There is also nothing to complain about. And the improved organoleptic properties and increased finger glide mean playing without jams and cursing under your breath. Speedy and precise on screen? That is our specificity! Improved finger glide and faster touch response Less to worry about. Greater focus. 1UP screen protector is a film that strengthens your smartphone screen so your device can withstand any game! Plus, it’s only 0.23mm thick, so it doesn’t compromise touch sensitivity, and your finger glides across it as if it were tempered glass. Free from dust and greasy stains Resistant to dust and greasy stains? That is one thing. However, anyone who has ever gamed or even texted knows how annoying it is to have fingerprints on the screen. Stains on the display reduce visibility, not to mention visual aesthetics and hygiene. And who hasn’t wiped out screen stains with a sleeve or other item of clothing? Yeah. However, the 1UP screen protector is fingerprint resistant. Even when you are gaming and eating something delicious! Simplicity and reliability When it comes to protective films, we don’t like air bubbles, difficult installation and a relatively short shelf life, which means that a new film is practically useless in just a few weeks… That’s why Screen Protector by 1UP is quick and easy to install and comes with three films in one package – each with a performance level of 20,000 cycles. That’s the best performance and great gaming for 4 months! And then? If you wish, simply replace it. And keep gaming! Screen up to 400% stronger! 1UP is a new 3mk brand and the creator of screen protector, a transparent film that combines everything new smartphone technologies can do. You will enjoy gaming more thanks to the organoleptic properties, but also the increased strength of the screen (up to 400%!) and a few other details that you will appreciate for sure. If you own a phone, if you hardly ever part with it – you should know that you can demand something more from a protective film. And we know something makes a difference! Simple and safe gel installation 1UP screen protector is get installed using a special gel that is safe for your smartphone. This ensures quick and easy installation of the film, which will perfectly protect the screen of your smartphone. It doesn’t affect the colour or brightness of the screen Every detail counts during the most exciting games. We have therefore taken special care to ensure that the film, apart from providing incredible protection, does not in any way affect the projected image. You will win because nothing escapes your attention. 1UP! Safety and something more The 1UP brand is created by professionals for gamers. By combining the best technology from 3mk with new solutions, we’ve created a product that increases speed, increases precision and increases the fun while gaming – no matter if you’re fighting, discovering the game, or winning championships. A protective film? You can choose whatever you like. It can simply protect – from scratches, from dirt, from damage. It can be the same as everyone else’s. It can also give you room to grow, it can highlight your passion, it can make you think this is the best protective film you need! We are also for gamers! We have been keeping an eye on technology for years, and we probably know all about protecting smartphones. But we don’t stop at that, we definitely don’t stop there – and so we created the gaming brand, 1UP, which combines the reliability of our technology with better solutions for gamers. We are also from Poland, we have a cool team and we can be proud of our PZH* (hygiene is crucial for us) and RoHS** (and quality too) certificates. And we hope you appreciate it! 1UP is a new brand, it’s a new product – with our groundbreaking gaming solution. And this while retaining all the advantages we have developed over the years! 1UP screen protector 3x 1UP screen protector 3x CleaningSet Squeegee Installation gel

25,83 €*
3MK ARC Apple Watch 4 40mm
Curved screen? Can't find proper glass protector? The ARC foil will take care of your smartphone's screen covering bigger area than standard glass and film protectors. Perfect transparency Plain and clear structure enables to display colors of screen in its true representation. Self-Heal™ Owing to the memory of a material and Self-Heal™ quality, the ARC foil selfheals all the developed scratches. Perfect touch responsiveness ARC provides the perfectly smooth finger glide and full sensitivity of your touch screen. The semi-permeable structure of ARC Makes all the visible air-bubbles disappear in 48 hours. Easy installation facilitates New installation method is so easy that you can install it by yourself. Kit contains: one ARC™ (front) wet cleaning cloth dry cleaning cloth Anti-Bubble Card™

12,39 €*
3MK ARC Watch Apple Watch 8 45mm
Curved screen? Can't find proper glass protector? The ARC foil will take care of your smartphone's screen covering bigger area than standard glass and film protectors. Perfect transparency Plain and clear structure enables to display colors of screen in its true representation. Self-Heal™ Owing to the memory of a material and Self-Heal™ quality, the ARC foil selfheals all the developed scratches. Perfect touch responsiveness ARC provides the perfectly smooth finger glide and full sensitivity of your touch screen. The semi-permeable structure of ARC Makes all the visible air-bubbles disappear in 48 hours. Easy installation facilitates New installation method is so easy that you can install it by yourself.

12,39 €*
3MK ARC Watch Apple Watch SE 2022 40mm
Curved screen? Can't find proper glass protector? The ARC foil will take care of your smartphone's screen covering bigger area than standard glass and film protectors. Perfect transparency Plain and clear structure enables to display colors of screen in its true representation. Self-Heal™ Owing to the memory of a material and Self-Heal™ quality, the ARC foil selfheals all the developed scratches. Perfect touch responsiveness ARC provides the perfectly smooth finger glide and full sensitivity of your touch screen. The semi-permeable structure of ARC Makes all the visible air-bubbles disappear in 48 hours. Easy installation facilitates New installation method is so easy that you can install it by yourself.

12,39 €*
> 500 available
Baseus Superior Series USB/USB-C Cable 65W 1m (white)
Kabel Superior Series USB na USB-C 65W 1m (biały) Ładuj swoje urządzenie szybko i wygodnie. Kabel Superior Series Baseus obsługuje protokoły szybkiego ładowania i umożliwia transfer danych z prędkością 480 Mbps. Co więcej, wzmocniona konstrukcja zapewnia trwałość i wytrzymałość na uszkodzenia. Błyskawicznie naładuje urządzenie Kabel Baseus współpracuje z takimi protokołami ładowania jak SUPERVOOC 2.0/1.0, VOOC 1.0, DCP, czy QC, dzięki czemu energię Reno 7 Pro odnowisz w 30 min. Co więcej, produkt jest kompatybilny z takimi smartfonami jak OPPO, OnePlus, Huawei, Xiaomi, itp. Szybko prześlesz pliki Już nie musisz czekać w nieskończoność, aż Twoje piki się skopiują. Kabel Superior Series Baseus oferuje transmisję danych z prędkością 480 Mbps, co oznacza, że w około 24 s prześlesz plik o wielkości 1 G. Co więcej, możesz jednocześnie ładować urządzenie i kopiować dane. Bezpieczeństwo użytkowania Produkt został zaprojektowany tak, aby korzystanie z niego było w pełni bezpieczne. Kabel Baseus wykorzystuje technologię Trickle Charging, dzięki czemu chroni Twój sprzęt przed przeładowaniem. Co więcej, zapobiega przegrzaniu urządzenia, więc nie musisz się obawiać uszkodzenia smartfona. Solidna konstrukcja Kabel powstał z 6 miedzianych pasm, co przekłada się na szybkie i stabilne ładowanie 65 W. Ponadto powłoka z tworzyw TPE+ABS odpowiada za trwałość i wytrzymałość produktu. Dodatkowo produkt przeszedł liczne testy i jest odporny na zginanie, a z upływem czasu złącza będą nadal pewnie wpinać się do portów. Co więcej, przewód jest dostępny w dwóch długościach: 1 m i 2 m, oraz dwóch wersjach kolorystycznych: białej i czarnej, więc każdy wybierze coś dla siebie. Natomiast dołączony rzep ułatwi przechowywanie – zapomnij o plączących się kablach! Specyfikacja: Producent Baseus Model CAYS000902 Kolor biały Długość 1 m Materiał ABS + TPE Waga ok. 35.3 g Moc 65 W Prędkość transmisji 480 Mbps Port wejściowy USB-A Port wyjściowy USB-C

10,32 €*
Tomtoc FancyCase-B06 bag for Apple iPad 12,9" (black)
Tomtoc FancyCase-B06 iPad Case (black)Tomtoc Fancy Case B06 is a black, durable case that perfectly fits Apple iPad Pro 12.9 inch tablet with Magic Keyboard or Smart Keyboard Folio, but not only. Both case covers are made of tough EVA material, which resists deformation and effectively protects the interior. It meets the military strength standard MIL STD 810H-516.8 It has a comfortable handle that allows you to carry the case like a bag. High-quality two zippers make the FancyCase can be zipped in any direction. Interior Inside the case there is room for the iPad, which slides into a beveled pocket. A flap has also been sewn in to separate the inside of the two case covers. On the flap, rubber bands and pockets have been sewn in for storing various accessories such as cables, pens, flash drives, etc. On the opposite side, larger accessories such as hubs or in-ear headphones can be stored inside the second part of the case. Contents of the kit Case Brand Tomtoc Model FancyCase-B06Color Black Compatibility12.9-calowy iPad Pro (gen. 5/4/3) with Magic Keyboard or Smart Keyboard Folio, 12.3-calowy Microsoft Surface Pro 7+ / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1, 13-inch Microsoft Surface Pro 8 / X, 12.4-calowy Surface Laptop Go, Samsung Galaxy Tab S7+/FE, Samsung Galaxy Tab S8+

48,57 €*
UGREEN 15269 USB-C/USB-C 2m (white)
Kabel USB-C do USB-C UGREEN 15269, 2m (biały) Ten praktyczny kabel USB-C do USB-C marki UGREEN pozwoli Ci szybko naładować wybrany sprzęt – zapewnia moc nawet 100 W. Umożliwia też przesyłanie plików z prędkością do 480 Mbps. Zapewnia przy tym bezpieczeństwo użytkowania i jest bardzo wytrzymały. Szybkie ładowanie Za niedługo wychodzisz z domu, a Twój smartfon jest bliski rozładowania? Bez obaw – przy użyciu kabla UGREEN w mgnieniu oka go podładujesz! Produkt zapewnia moc sięgającą 100 W. To oznacza, że za jego pomocą możesz na przykład w około 35 minut naładować MacBooka Pro do 55%, a iPada Pro do 70%. Przesyłaj pliki w kilka chwil Często przesyłasz zdjęcia lub filmy między urządzeniami? Kabel UGREEN przyda Ci się również do tego! Produkt zapewnia prędkość transmisji na poziomie nawet 480 Mbps – umożliwia skopiowanie 1 GB danych już w około 30 sekund. Koniec z przeciągającym się w nieskończoność oczekiwaniem, aż potrzebne Ci pliki znajdą się w docelowym miejscu! Ulepszona konstrukcja Kabel UGREEN wyróżnia się dużą wytrzymałością – jest odporny na wyginanie, ciągnięcie i nie tylko. Przed uszkodzeniem chroni go nylonowy oplot. Ponadto wbudowany chip E-marker i miedziany przewód odpowiadają za stabilne, bezpieczne ładowanie. Producent UGREEN Model US557 Kolor Biały Typ USB-C do USB-C Moc 100 W maks. Prędkość transmisji Do 480 Mbps Długość kabla 2 m

13,43 €*
Whitestone Dome Glass Google Pixel 8 Pro [2 PACK]
The Dome Glass tempered glass from Whitestone is among the most advanced in our entire range of products. The manufacturer's experience in glass processing, spanning more than two decades, has produced innovative results in protecting curved screens. Indeed, an original installation method was used here, involving the application of an adhesive, followed by its curing with ultraviolet light. The degree of resistance, surface hardness, rated by the manufacturer at 9H is resistant to scratches with sharp objects, and covering it with an additional oleophobic coating reduces the appearance of fingerprints and other contaminants. Dome Glass has a very good reputation and is considered the best curved screen protection product available on the world market. It is fully clear and touch sensitive. Check out how to install: https://youtu.be/Bef_JBtCC9I * We do not recommend the use of 3D glass without any case.** Dome Glass Case Friendly is compatible with most cases available on the market.*** The installation has been simplified to the maximum, but you must remember to read the instructions and watch the instructional video before installation and follow all the steps set by the manufacturer, only in this way you will get 100% satisfaction.Remember to remove and re-add the fingerprint lines - if any - after installing the glass.**** The glass does not leave any trace on the screen after removal.***** The higher price than our other glasses is the result of a huge technological advantage over them. It is not due to the higher resistance of the glass, so the glass under the impact of a fall or pressure has the right to crack/shatter like any other while protecting the screen. PRODUCT FEATURES:- 100% Genuine- Packaged in original packaging- 0.3mm thick tempered glass- Resistance as high as 9H- Not affected by touch sensitivity- Equipped with grease and fingerprint resistant nano coating- Contoured 2.5D edges- Dimensions: KIT INCLUDES:2 x WhiteStone DomeGlass screen glass1 x UV lamp1 x Installation tools

41,34 €*
10in1 Baseus Metal Gleam II Series USB-C / HDMI adapter, USB-A (10Gbps), 2xUSB-A, USB-C, USB-C (PD), RJ45, SD/TF, 3.5mm mini-jack
Hub 10in1 Baseus Metal Gleam II Series, USB-C to 1xHDMI, USB-A (10Gbps), USC-C, 2xUSB-A, Ethernet RJ45, SD/TF card, mini-jack 3.5mm, USB-C(PD)Baseus Metal Gleam Series II is a powerful hub with which you can not only display documents on a projector, transfer data at 10Gbps, listen to music, but also charge your phone or laptop through it with 100W power. Advanced BCT technology (Baseus Cooling Technology) ensures that the device is completely cooled and charging is done safely. The USB-C and USB-A ports are tuned for second-generation USB3.2 technology, which enables high-speed data transfer. In addition, with hub connectivity you reduce the use of 2.4G bandwidth, which can operate with interference when multiple devices are using it. Wired connectivity through the hub ensures that the connection and transfer is stable. The hub is compatible with Windows, Vista, Apple OS and Linux. Display in fantastic quality 4K@60Hz is the quality with which you can display documents or your laptop screen via HDMI on the Baseus Metal Gleam Series II hub. Crystal clear images and vivid colors ensure that the details of reports and other documents will be clear and your presentation will run smoothly. Smart port recognition The hub has a light indicator that lets you know the status of your device. The light flashes when data transfer and charging are in progress, and glows continuously when all ports are busy and the screen casting function is in use. Concern for privacy Baseus The Metal Gleam Series II is a hub equipped with a screen cast function that allows it to transfer information from one screen to another. For the safety of your data, the device is equipped with a button that, when pressed, extinguishes screens without disconnecting the hub. Fast data transfer Both the USB-C and USB-A ports are aligned with second-generation USB3.2 standards and offer data transfer speeds of up to 10Gbps so you can quickly transfer essential files between devices. Each port is controlled by an independent chip to eliminate latency in transmission. Fast charging With the help of the USB-C(PD) port, you can charge your devices with an input power of 100W (output 85W) - your laptop will charge in no time! For your safety, the hub has numerous protections such as against over-current or short circuit - as soon as an abnormality is detected, the current is immediately cut off. BCT technology ensures that the heat generated during charging is effectively dissipated. Perfect connection Two USB2.0 ports support the connection of devices such as flash drives, keyboards, mice, etc. for stable and uninterrupted connectivity between devices. Work without annoyance with Baseus Metal Gleam Series II. The audio port 3.5mm supports both high-quality audio input and output and synchronizes audio with video. You can connect headphones, speakers or a microphone to the port - plug in what you need to make business calls or chat with family without interruption. Simultaneous reading of microSD and SD cards Baseus The Metal Gleam Series II is a hub that reads SD and microSD cards at the same time, and provides high-speed writing at 104Mbps! Among the hub's numerous ports, there is also a hidden port where the hub plugs in to protect it from damage.Kit contents Hub x 1 Brand Baseus Model BS-OH084Color Gray Material Aluminum alloyWeight 115gDimensions 140 x 47 x 12 mmCable length 9cmConnectors USB-C to 1xHDMI, USB-A (10Gbps), USC-C, 2xUSB-A, Ethernet RJ45, SD/TF card, mini-jack 3.5mm, USB-C(PD)HDMI image quality 4K@60HzUSB-A transfer rate10Gbps USB-C transfer rate100Gbps USB-A transfer rate480Mbps USB-C charging power (PD)100W (max.)SD/TF speed104MB/SRJ45 speed1000Mbps Mini jack connector 3.5mm Supports 96KHz headphones and microphones Input 5V-3A, 9V-3A, 15V-3A, 20V-5AOutput 5V-0.5A, 5V-0.9A Compatibility Windows, Windows Vista, Apple OS, Linux

65,10 €*
2in1 USB cable UGREEN Type-C / Micro USB, QC 3.0, 1m (black)
Kabel UGREEN z podwójną końcówką: USB-C i Micro USB   Wysokiej jakości przewód marki UGREEN z podwójną końcówką USB-C i Micro USB pozwoli Ci na szybką transmisję danych i równie szybkie ładowanie Twoich urządzeń mobilnych. Wykonany z wysokiej jakości materiałów, nie zawiedzie Cię w żadnej sytuacji.   Wspiera szybkie ładowanie   Przewód wspiera technologię QC 2.0 oraz QC 3.0 pozwalając na szybkie, bezpieczne i niezawodne ładowanie. Pozwala na pełne naładowanie smartfona Xiaomi Mi8 w zaledwie 95 minut.         Niezwykle szybka transmisja danych   Przewód umożliwia również niezwykle szybką transmisję danych w prędkości 480 Mbps, co pozwala na błyskawiczny przesył zdjęć, wideo i innych dokumentów w bardzo krótkim czasie. Wytrzymały   Przewód możesz bez obaw zginać, nawet w najbardziej newralgicznych miejscach, czyli tuż przy jego zakończeniu. Umożliwia Ci to pełną wygodę podczas użytkowania. Został wykonany z najwyższej jakości materiałów, odpornych na częste użytkowanie, przetarcia i złamania.   Specyfikacja   Producent UGREEN Model US177 Kod produktu 30875 Materiał TPE + Aluminium + Nylon Długość kabla 1 m Złącza USB do Type-C + Micro USB Kolor Czarno-szary Prąd ładowania Micro USB: 2,4 A USB-C: 3 A  

11,37 €*
360º Camera for Smartphone Xtra Battery 145771 (50 Units)
Colour: Black
If you're passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don't miss even the slightest details, buy 360º Camera for Smartphone Xtra Battery 145771 (50 Units) at an unbeatable price.Units: 50 UnitsAngle: 360ºAdaptor: Micro USBConnection: USB Type-CResolution: HD2048 x 1024 pxCompatible: AndroidApprox. dimensions: 4,4 x 4,6 x 4 cmInstruction manual: SpanishEnglish

703,88 €*
3D Lens for Smartphone Camera 145633 (50 Units)
Colour: Black
If you're passionate about IT and electronics, like being up to date on technology and don't miss even the slightest details, buy 3D Lens for Smartphone Camera 145633 (50 Units) at an unbeatable price.Colour: BlackUnits: 50 UnitsCompatible: SmartphoneAllows you to record and photograph in 3D format and view content with virtual reality glassesApprox. dimensions: 10 x 12 x 3 cmInstruction manual: SpanishEnglish

27,90 €*
Only 1 available
3D Tempered Glass Screen Protector Cool Honor View 20 Huawei
If you are looking for new market trending items, we present the 3D Tempered Glass Screen Protector Cool Honor View 20 Huawei!Compatible: Huawei

9,29 €*
Only 1 available
3D Tempered Glass Screen Protector Cool OPPO A78 5G OPPO
If you are looking for new market trending items, we present the 3D Tempered Glass Screen Protector Cool OPPO A78 5G OPPO!Colour: BlackCompatible: OPPOMaterial: Tempered GlassHardness: 9HWater resistant: YesFragile product: YesDiagonal of the screen (cm): 16,5 cm

9,29 €*

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