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As a business that has always been at the forefront of embracing Bitcoin, we're excited to announce our latest collaboration with Wasabi Wallet. This integration signifies an innovative leap in Bitcoin commerce, and we're thrilled to be part of it.

Who We Are - ShopinBit

ShopinBit is the online retailer dedicated to accepting Bitcoin as a form of payment. We offer a broad range of products, from electronics to home goods and fashion items, in total: 1+ Million Products. Our unique Concierge Service sets us apart, allowing customers to buy products from any online store using Bitcoin. All you need to do is tell us what you want and we'll handle the rest. And it doesn't even stop there. You can also use the Concierge Service for turn-key travel booking and purchasing big ticket items such as cars, yachts, or private jets. The sky is literally the limit! 

Wasabi Wallet - A Privacy-focused Wallet

Wasabi Wallet, our partner in this endeavor, is a renowned open-source, non-custodial Bitcoin wallet. Its focus on privacy and security, backed by techniques like CoinJoin, make it a preferred choice for Bitcoin enthusiasts who value their privacy.

Our Collaboration

Our partnership with Wasabi Wallet brings our Concierge Service directly into their platform. This means that Wasabi Wallet users can now access our service through an encrypted chat, without having to use a web browser, emails or creating an account, simplifying and enhancing the shopping experience.

Users can choose a product from any online store, submit the product's URL through our Concierge Service or describe what they are looking for within their Wasabi Wallet, and pay for it in Bitcoin. We then take over, purchasing the product on behalf of the user and arranging its delivery.

Why This Integration Matters

This collaboration marks a significant milestone in making Bitcoin more user-friendly and widely accepted. By streamlining the process of buying goods online with Bitcoin, we're making this revolutionary currency more accessible.

Moreover, this integration reaffirms our dedication to promoting Bitcoin. By simplifying transactions with Bitcoin, we're fostering the idea of a true circular economy.

The Future of Bitcoin Commerce

As Bitcoin keeps evolving, we anticipate more collaborations like this one that aim to improve the user experience. Our integration with Wasabi Wallet takes us one step closer to a future where Bitcoin is as common as traditional currencies for online shopping.

To conclude, our integration with Wasabi Wallet is a transformative move for the Bitcoin e-commerce sector. It not only simplifies the shopping process for Bitcoin users, but also highlights the growing acceptance of Bitcoin in the commercial sphere. As more businesses follow in our footsteps, the future of Bitcoin looks promising.

Not a Wasabi Wallet user yet? Visit to download and start using Wasabi Wallet.

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